Dr. Ashutosh Raina is a board-certified pediatric neurologist practicing at the Center of Excellence in Pediatric Neurology, with location in Rocklin. He earned his medical degree from N.D.M.V.P. Samaj Medical College, Pune University, in Nashik, India. Following his internship, Dr. Raina completed a pediatric residency at Brookdale Hospital in Brooklyn, New York. He then pursued a pediatric neurology residency and a fellowship in clinical neurophysiology, focusing on refractory epilepsy, at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Raina specializes in managing various pediatric neurological conditions, including epilepsy syndromes, refractory epilepsy, headaches, concussions, autism, and developmental disorders. He has worked for a Med Tech company as a consultant previously and been a part of their breakthrough research(Physiological Vibration Acceleration (Phybrata) Sensor Assessment of Multi-System Physiological Impairments and Sensory Reweighting Following Concussion, 2020).
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